The Board of Management met briefly on the 13th March and decided to offer places to all remaining children on the pre-enrolment waiting list and agreed to discuss the matter further. At the Board of Management meeting on March 24th the enrolment policy and inclusion of a catchment area, as directed by the Department of Education and Skills, was discussed in depth and a proposal put together to forward to our patron body Educate Together. This proposal takes into account the concerns voiced by our wider school community at February 11th meeting.
Board of Management Meeting March 24th 2015
Board of Management Meeting November 3rd 2015: Present: Francis Fullen, Thomas Frayne, Collette Dunne, Rachael Byrne, Brian Buckley, Rita Lahiff. Apologies: Rachel Freeman; Ed Sadlier.
The following actions were taken:
Enrolment policy: Tell school community that we’ve been overruled by Department of Education and Skills (DES) in relation to enrolment policy. Board discussed possibility of Department of Education and Skills providing another prefab on this site which would mean that the majority of siblings would be catered for. Proceed on first come first served basis, one class only (with possibility of a 2nd class of Junior Infants for September 2016 if we get accommodation) - Collette will email the DES directly and try to negotiate this proposal with E.T. 1st round offers for 2016 to be sent out based on 1st come first served basis with no sibling priority for now. Email to be sent from Board stating DES has given a directive re: enrolment policy and we will hold information evening to inform parents and allow them to voice their opinions when we know more. Email was drafted at Board meeting 3rd Nov by the Board members. This email will be sent 4th Nov 2015 -before the offers of places are sent out on the 6th November.
Policies on Parental involvement and afterschool classes to be put together and ratified before classes can go ahead.
Educate Together Ethos conference 20th/21st November
Forest School: Rachael Byrne (Education) & Rachel Freeman (Horticulture) to initiate Forest School project by setting up a wigwam made from willow in garden area School Disabled parking permits to be issued to parents of children with special needs
School Logo: 2 of proposed logos from Dora and Pawio to be put together slightly differently and circulated
Change of BOM: All school Boards of Management change on the same date every four years and this will happen on December 1st 2015.
A special thank you to our members Rachel, Ed and Triona who are/ will no longer be on the Board. We all send you our thanks and appreciation.
The new Board of Management from December 1st 2015 will be:
Francis Fullen: Chairperson Thomas Frayne: Treasurer Collette Dunne: Principal Rachael Byrne: Teacher Representative Brian Buckley: Parent Representative re-elected at meeting on November 11th Gwen Leost Kane: : Parent Representative elected at meeting on November 11th Rita Lahiff: Community Representative A second Community Representative will be appointed by the Board following first meeting.
Note: As Principal I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Board of Management members for their help and support in developing our school. I greatly appreciate everything you do. Collette.
Board of Management Meeting November 3rd 2015
Board of Management Meeting 26th January 2016: Present: Francis Fullen, Collette Dunne, Rachael Byrne, Brian Buckley, Gwen Leost Kane, Rita Lahiff. Apologies:Thomas Frayne Enrolment Policy: no further information has been received / Section 29 Appeal Hearings underway;
2nd Stream for 2016: still awaiting response from DES;
Next Meeting 8th March 2016
Board of Management Meeting January 26th 2016
Present: Francis Fullen, Thomas Frayne, Collette Dunne, Gwen Leost Kane, Brian Buckley, Rita Lahiff. Apologies: Rachael Byrne Ratification of new Enrolment Policy as per DES / ET directive and communication of same to whole school community.
Change of teacher in First Class: BoM is very pleased to announce Bébhinn Nugent will teach First Class to end of June 2016. Next meeting 26th April 2016: postponed to May 11th.
Board of Management Meeting March 8th 2016
Present: Francis Fullen, Thomas Frayne, Collette Dunne, Gwen Leost Kane, Brian Buckley. Apologies: Rita Lahiff, Rachael Byrne. Decisions made at BoM meeting 27th June 2016:
1st Class location in new classroom in Firhouse Community Centre: Board agreed children will line up in school yard every morning and come back to school for both breaks daily. Children will go home from Community Centre initially and we’ll see how this works out. Overhead projectors and laptop purchases agreed for two new classes.
After School Classes: Board agreed with PGTA that after school classes will commence from 1st class upwards and that rules will be attached to the After School Activities' Policy.
Board approved an I.T. intern may have administrator access to school website in order to upload a page for After School Activities including a payment facility.
Board congratulated and thanked PGTA on all their hard work and success of the Fun Day which raised €6k and created the great celebratory atmosphere of our school on the day.
Board agreed to discuss Attendance Policy requirements for TUSLA at September meeting and results of already agreed Survey Monkey questions enabling parental involvement in policy development.
Board agreed our school will pay half the costs of signs re CCTV, No Dogs, No Smoking for perimeter fences to Gaelscoil na Giuise.
Board agreed on No Gift Policy as recommended by PGTA.
Board approved increased hours for Secretary for September. Caretaker’s contract to be revised in September.
Board approved appointment of teachers: Rachael Byrne, Lynne McCullagh, Jennifer Bradford, Conor Finnerty and Cillian O'Reilly.
Board of Management Meetings June 27th and 29th 2016
Board meeting minutes: 27th September 2016: In attendance: Francis Fullen, Collette Dunne, Rachael Byrne, Gwen Leost, Brian Buckley. Apologies: Thomas Frayne and Rita Lahiff Actions taken: •Caretaker: we’ll continue to employ on an as-needs basis. •School cleaning -ask if reducing price of cleaning is a possibility. Current cost is €1027 per month. •Families seeking a refund of non-refundable booklist payment when accepting a place for their child in Firhouse ETNS. Highlight their commitment to taking up a place in the school and the school’s commitment to purchasing supplies for the school. •Attendance report presented to BOM -TUSLA’s new Attendance Strategy to be worked on with parents, BOM and school community during the coming year. Meeting for parents to discuss, and input on, attendance policy to be arranged. (November 23rd). • ‘Information on common childhood illnesses’ to go on website for parents’ information. •RSE Policy to be developed with parents, BOM and school community during the coming year. ( BoM agreed to update ICT and Social Media Policy after Attendance and RSE). •Enrolments: We are currently short 4 children to meet the required number to keep teacher. Enrolment numbers to be submitted to the Department of Education on Friday 30th. Board has agreed we will appeal on Criteria A: Exceptional circumstances. •Checklists for Child Protection and Anti-Bullying Policies reviewed and signed for email submission to our patron Educate Together. •Finance: Budget. Essential purchasing only. BoM requests possibility of PGTA contributing to school expenses? BoM stated the importance of keeping the school bank account in credit. •PGTA donated €2,000.00 to school to purchase books in September 2016. PGTA organising Book Fair in school in October; PGTA AGM on Wednesday 5th October.
Board of Management Meeting 27th September 2016
Board meeting minutes: 14th November 2016: In attendance: Francis Fullen, Collette Dunne, Rachael Byrne, Thomas Frayne, Gwen Leost Kane, Rita Lahiff and Brian Buckley by speaker phone.
Our Board of Management met last night to mainly discuss school finances. While the Board of Management wishes it did not have to make the following tough decisions, the above details of running costs and current debt make them inevitable. Fundraising has to be increased to meet the current €15,000 plus shortfall in the annual running costs of the school.
The Board has agreed to: 1. Introduce an annual voluntary contribution with immediate effect. VC's are a standard and very necessary form of fund raising in the vast majority of schools. The amount payable immediately for 2016-2017 is €125 for one child: €200 for two children; €275 for three children and €325 for four children in a family. (It is worth noting that there are tax benefits if €250 is paid to a charity in one year). This can be paid in one go, or first half now and second half in February 2017. 2. Ask the PGTA to increase fundraising and look at the following suggestions: 'Who Wants to be a Thousandaire?' with Pallas Marketing; Holiday Hampers' Raffle before the Winter Holidays. Cake Sales / Coffee Mornings in places of work outside of our school. 3. Ask all of you parents/guardians to come along and get involved in the fundraising and share any other fundraising ideas you may have. 4. To send an email and payment request for a voluntary contribution, via Aladdin, to all families this week.
The following items were also agreed:
direct email to individual teachers facility will not be implemented
non-refundable booklist payment when accepting a place for a child in Firhouse ETNS remains in place as per Enrolment Policy
Board of Management Meeting 14th November 2016
Francis and Collette attended a meeting in Department of Education and Skills' Offices in Tullamore on Monday 28th November and the news is that work on our new school building will commence shortly.
The Department of Education and Skills hopes to appoint a contractor in the coming weeks and the aim is to have our school building ready for 2017-2018 school year. They are aware it is a tight schedule and will keep us informed as the project develops over the coming months.
We have also been given approval to offer places for a second Junior Infants class for September 2017.
New School Building Announcement: 29th November 2016
Educate Together: Equality Based Celebrations
Board of Management Meeting February 11th 2015
The Board of Management met at 8pm prior to open meeting at 8.30pm for all current and future parents/guardians of Firhouse ETNS pupils to discuss proposed changes to our school's Enrolment Policy.
The changes discussed at the meeting have been sent to our patron Educate Together who will present them to the Enrolment Policy Board at their next meeting. Educate Together's response to the proposed changes will be notified to everyone. The two changes to the policy may be, as discussed at the meeting: 1. Sibling Priority and 2. Children for future years must be aged 4 years by May 1st of the year they will start school in Junior Infant Classes.
The catchment area, which is assigned by the Department of Education and Skills, was discussed at length at the meeting, as was the proposed lottery system which was not agreed upon.
In addition it was agreed to increase the deposit towards booklist, requested on acceptance of a place in the school, to €100 and to make it non-refundable.
Board of Management Meeting January 12th 2015
In attendance: Francis Fullen, Thomas Frayne, Collette Dunne, Rachael Byrne (Recorder of minutes), Rita Lahiff, Brian Buckley. Apologies: Gwen Leost Kane Agenda: Cash Flow Problems and Fundraising Ideas. Financial Update from this Board of Management was discussed with parents at an open meeting on November 15th 2016 and details were also emailed to all parents explaining the need for more fundraising and the introduction of a voluntary contribution with immediate effect. The Board of Management would also like to thank parents and our wider school community for all their ongoing support.
Board of Management Meeting November 14th 2016
Board of Management Meeting: 30th January 2017: In attendance: Francis Fullen, Collette Dunne, Rachael Byrne (Recorder of minutes), Rita Lahiff, Brian Buckley. Apologies: Thomas Frayne, Gwen Leost Kane
Child Protection
Update on Finances
Treasurer's Report
Principal's Report
The Board discussed the Department of Education and Skills’ (DES) instruction for our school not to offer places to children on Criteria 3 of Enrolment Policy i.e. ‘Outside of Catchment Area’ for Junior Infants 2017. This results in families who were given hope by DES queries in December not being offered places and our school having a single stream of Junior Infants in September 2017.
Actions taken:
Finances: thanks to fundraiser donation of €3k following the very successful Quiz Night and parents’ generous voluntary contributions the school account is currently in credit and cash flow forecast is good up to end of March 2017.
Cleaning company will finish on February 3rd to reduce costs. Contract to be drawn up with a local cleaner directly to work ten hours per week until one week after the end of the school year in June 2017.
The Board wishes to thank and congratulate the PGTA on the huge success of quiz fundraiser in St Anne’s GAA on Friday 27th January and particularly to Mary Dunne who put so much work into ensuring the night and fundraising even was so successful. The board also wishes to thank Kamila Wichmann and Derek Pounch on their commitment to organising the event also.
Collette to ask DES for water & electricity points to be supplied in courtyard & sensory garden of new school building to facilitate the installation of water features at a later date.
SNA Policy: The Board has ratified additions to the SNA and Child Protection policies- which include the requirement for 2 SNAs to attend all intimate care training sessions together; for two SNAs to be present together during all intimate care procedures with a child; and for all SNAs in the school to be trained to care for all children with special needs.
School dress code agreed and ratified.
Board clarified that incident report form is only filled in by class teachers for serious incidents.
Glass bottles are not acceptable for children to have in school and this is to be included in Healthy eating Policy and Health and Safety Policy.
Board of Management Meeting 30th January 2017
In attendance: Francis Fullen, Collette Dunne, Rachael Byrne (Recorder of minutes), Rita Lahiff, Brian Buckley, Gwen Leost Kane.
Child Protection
Updates of Policies
After-School Classes
Finances / Treasurer's Report
Principal's Report
Decisions made:
Child Protection and Anti Bullying Checklist Reports for Patron filled in; Parents to be consulted;
Garda Vetting: Board supports all families receiving Garda Vetting Application Forms for volunteering to help in classrooms and or on school trips.
Board supports application for revised Fire Certificate submitted by Pro Fire Consultancy to SDCC to include magnetic lock controls on doors in classes for children with autism and a hatch at main reception.
School will look into cost of alarm monitoring company.
New school inspector Peadar O'Muirí appointed and welcomed.
New Afterschool Classes schedule agreed by BoM.
Board agreed with suggestion to ask the community of parents/guardians if anyone would be interested in getting involved in grounds/landscaping maintenance and organising events to help maintain the school grounds
Board agreed the only official means of communication from School and PGTA Committee to our School Community are School Email, School Website, School FaceBook Page and Aladdin Connect. The Board of Management supports only these official means.
There will be no publication of any event unless full information is received by the school at least a week before the event.
Board agreed that PGTA Meetings may not be held in first or last weeks of school terms.
PGTA AGM: Date of October 4th agreed by Board of Management; Board agreed with suggestion that organisation for the family fun day should begin earlier next year to allow for better planning. School agrees that all PGTA events will go on the school calendar.
The Board of Management discussed/agreed the following:
Enrolments for September 2015 are very strong.
The Board is close to finalising a draft of the school's updated Enrolment Policy with the inclusion of a sibling priority, a catchment area and a lottery system. The draft will then be emailed to all parents/guardians, present and future with a full explanation of the implications, both positive and negative, for the school community. Everyone will be invited to give their feedback.
The Department of Education and Skills requires parents to fill in a questionnaire for its new P.O.D. (Primary Online Database). The Board of Management noted there has been much debate in the media on the relevance to education of the optional questions regarding children's ethnic or cultural background and religion. Parents/guardians are free to choose not to disclose this information if they wish but should note that the "No consent"box should be ticked if this is their choice.
The Board praised our former Chairperson, Dr.Declan Fahie, for his extraordinary work, generosity and dedication to our school over the past year. His inspiration for our highly successful coffee-morning with politicians received great praise. He is indeed a great loss and we wish him well in his new role in U.C.D.
Educate Together is to appoint a new Chairperson this week.
Members of the Board of Management: Chairperson: Francis Fullen; Patron Representative and Treasurer: Thomas Frayne; Parent Representatives: Rachel Freeman and Brian Buckley; Community Representative: Rita Lahiffe; Community Representative: Ed Sadlier; Teacher Representative: Rachael Byrne; Principal: Collette Dunne.
Board of Management Meeting 11th September 2018
In attendance: Francis Fullen, Collette Dunne, Rachael Byrne (Recorder of minutes), Rita Lahiff, Brian Buckley, Gwen Leost Kane.
Child Protection
Review and Updates of Policies
After-School Classes
Finances & FSSU requirements
PGTA constitution / fundraisers
Principal's Report
Educate Together General Members' Meeting
Decisions made:
• Fire Certificate revised to include magnetic locks at entrance to school from Evergreen Classes as well as all other exits from Evergreen Classes and hatch at reception. • The Board agree to host ET General Members’ Meeting on Saturday February 2nd 2019. • Board approve exceptional closure days: NCSE training day Monday 25th February and Language Curriculum Tuesday 7th May. • Board approves all after school classes: applications for chess, yoga, Spanish, gymnastics and coding have been approved by Board. • Finances: FFSU: requirement for Charity Registration which in turn requires eight members on the Board, therefore we need two new members. ET are looking into Patron Representative and school community will look for another Community Representative. • Alarm monitoring company: The Board has approved to employ alarm monitoring service. Board requested all After School Class key-holders to be informed a cost will be incurred if the alarm is set off incorrectly and a callout is required. • Maintenance Contracts: Landscaping/Gardening contract going forward will be shared with Gaelscoil na Giúise when the current contract terminates in August 2019. • Parents to be invited to set up Management Committees for School Building Maintenance and Learn Together. • PGTA constitution approved by Board of Management. • PGTA family movie (licensed) night approved; charge for goody bags / raffle tickets only. • Next PGTA fundraiser: pub quiz on 15th February in Scholar’s Pub; Board agreed the funds raised will go towards garden climbing frame. • School open night for our School Community approved to take place during Autism week on Tuesday 2nd April 2019 to include school choir performance, pilot project OT and SLT will be on hand to chat with parents etc. More details to follow nearer the time.
Board of Management Meeting 15th January 2019
The Board of Management of Firhouse ETNS updated and reviewed the Child Safe-Guarding Statement and Risk Assessment on 25th March 2019. The updated policy can be read here.
Child Safe-Guarding Statement and Risk Assessment 2019
Educate Together's Ethical Education Curriculum - the ‘Learn Together’ - supports children’s moral and spiritual development and teaches children about different belief systems. This curriculum has been developed over 35 years in Irish primary schools and is an important part of making Educate Together schools welcoming and inclusive.
When Firhouse Educate Together NS opened in 2013, it became one of 68 Educate Together schools nationwide, and one of around 20 in the South West Dublin / Kildare area surrounding Firhouse.
If you would like to know more about how Firhouse Educate Together NS, contact us here.
If you would like to know more about Educate Together, please see details on page below and / or visit the Educate Together website
Educate Together is an organisation that supports its expanding network of schools, parents and supporters around the country. We want to keep people informed and interested in our latest news and updates. Please feel free to update your website information with the following points, so that everyone who is interested in Educate Together can access the most up to date information.
Educate Together is the representative organisation for primary & secondary multi-denominational schools in Ireland. It is an independent NGO that runs and supports schools that guarantee equality of access and esteem to children "irrespective of their social, cultural or religious background". Educate Together schools are learner centred in their approach to education and are run as participatory democracies, with respectful partnership between parents, pupils and teachers. The Educate Together national office is working towards an Ireland in which all people have access to an excellent education that is inclusive of all, irrespective of belief system, ethnicity, class, culture, gender, language, sexuality, family background and ability.
Curriculum Educate Together schools teach the Learn Together Ethical Education Curriculum, rather than the religious instruction programmes taught in denominational schools. This curriculum has four strands:
Moral and Spiritual: children learn about feelings and values, the development of conscience, choices and consequences, stillness and meditation.
Equality and Justice: children learn about wants and needs, rights and responsibilities; the promotion of equality and the nature of democracy locally (student councils are encouraged), nationally and globally.
Belief Systems: children learn about the rites and ceremonies, celebrations, key figure and beliefs and values of the six main world religions: Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Sikhism. Schools also address Atheism, Agnosticism and Humanism.
Ethics and the Environment: children learn about appreciation and stewardship of the natural world. Educate Together schools have an ethos of respect, diversity & inclusion.
As of September 2013, there are now 68 Educate Together primary schools in Ireland. The growth in the Educate Together school network continues to be driven by parental demand. In addition to our established schools we have start-up groups in communities hoping to have Educate Together schools opened in their area.
Four second-level schools with Educate Together involved as patron, co-patron or as partner are now open: Hansfield Educate Together Secondary School (Dublin 15) - a voluntary secondary school under the patronage of Educate Together. Ballymakenny College (Drogheda, Co Louth) - community college under the joint patronage of Educate Together and Louth and Meath ETB. Kishoge Community College (Lucan, Co Dublin) - a community college under the patronage of Dublin and Dún Laoghaire ETB, working in formal partnership with Educate Together. Celbridge Community College - an Educate Together and Kildare Wicklow ETB partnership school. These schools represent a new approach to second-level education – developing a welcoming, inclusive school community that enables young people to meet their full potential in society and focussing on the lifelong learning needs of students.
Educate Together's approach at second-level moves away from 'teaching to the test' and towards an emphasis on the learner. Students will develop skills in creative and critical thinking, communication, teamwork, research and leadership. Teachers in an Educate Together second-level school will use the best teaching and learning methods to make students’ learning active, relevant, challenging and enjoyable.
Second Level Educate Together Campaigns & Start-up Groups
Educate Together schools are established in an area following an engagement process with local parents. A start-up group is established which liaises with the National Office staff and assists with establishing the extent and longer term potential of local parental support for the school. The establishment of any new school can be a long process that continues for many years. A start-up group is made up of parents who want an Educate Together school for their children. In recent years Educate Together has grown substantially and parental support for these campaigns has been critical to the successful establishment of schools.
Firhouse Educate Together NS is a new primary school which opened in September 2013 with one class of junior infants.
The location of the school originally in Tymon Bawn Community Centre was temporary. The Department of Education and Skills is currently building a permanent new school on Ballycullen Drive which is due to open in Autumn 2017.
Educate Together schools are national schools, teaching the full primary curriculum. They are child-centred and focused on the best possible educational outcome for your child. Our teachers bring the curriculum to life by encouraging children to think, question and engage both with their teacher and each other.
Parents, you can download welcome pack and policies from our POLICIES Page under the Board of Management tab on this website.
Our school, along with Firhouse ET Secondary School, are proud to be supporting Stand Up Awareness Week!
Thank you so much to Colm who led the gardening team of parents last Saturday Morning with Jenny, Robert, Susan, Sandra and two of our pupils who are going to make potato salad tomorrow with the potatoes they dug up. Watch this space for potato salad photos.
Gardening on Saturday 7th December 2019
Dublin Fire Brigade’s Community Fire Safety Art Competition
Prize giving ceremony.
We had a visit from the Sam Maguire this week. Thank you to Adam from St Anne's GAA Club for organising, everyone had so much fun!
Please join us at our coffee morning this Friday 24th January at 8.30 am in our school hall to discuss our campaign for "The Right Inclusion Model for Every Child".
There will be aPublic Meeting this Tuesday 28th January at 8pm to discuss our campaign for "The Right Inclusion Model for Every Child"
As this effects children in all schools we invite everyone in the community to attend and meet with local councillors and general election candidates to share your concerns over the proposed model.
Please see the link below to the online petition that Parents/Guardians in our school have started to highlight, to the Department of Education & Skills and the NCSE, that meaningful supports need to be put in place for the introduction of the Right Inclusion Model for Every Child.
We were delighted to welcome Apple, a Service Dog, to visit some classes in our school today. Apple was brought in by Alex who is joining us this week as part of his Transition Year Work Experience. Thank you Alex and Apple for taking the time to call to us and telling us about the work of a Service Dog and the difference that they can make to a child with additional needs.
We have started our Seachtain Na Gaeilge celebrations - check our website later in the week for more photos and updates
A great big "Thank You" to everyone who sent in their art work and photos to celebrate "Lá Fhéile Phádraig 2020". Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir!
St. Patrick's Day Parade designed by our Pupils and displayed in their Home Windows on St. Patrick's Day 2020
Memories and Kind Thoughts!
Hello again. Can you remember where in our school you have seen the pictures below?
We would like to thank each and every one of you who worked so hard to make such fantastic hats for our school's Madhatters' Competition and we hope you all enjoyed making them. They look amazing! Well done to everyone!
See the winning entries below. Congratulations to all four of you! Prizes will be sent to your home by post.
Winners of our Madhatters' Competition
This week we celebrated World Book Day and our photos can be seen on our class pages.
Thank you so much to all of you for your wonderful support for our school's Family Fun Day yesterday. Your help, your support, your donations of prizes, your cooking, your baking and especially your time is all very much appreciated.
The Parents and Guardians on the PGTA Committee did fantastic work organising the event and co-ordinating everything and I congratulate them on a wonderful day.
This year we had amazing support from so many of you who volunteered to help out on the day. Sharing the jobs with time slots worked so well. More people than ever were involved and got to enjoy the day as well as volunteer.
Thank you to Catrin (parent), our MC, who did a superb job for the three hours at the Wheel of Fortune and encouraging classes to sing and much more. Thank you Andrew (parent) for organising the sound system and working it for the three hours. Thanks also to our school staff for their support as well as to all your families and friends who came along to support the event in so many ways. It was lovely to see everyone enjoying a good day of fun together.
Contact Firhouse ETNS
School principal: Collette Dunne Phone: 01 4061010 Email:[email protected]
About Educate Together
Educate Together is the Patron body of Firhouse Educate Together National School, and of 68 other national schools nationwide and is committed to delivering an excellent education to your child. Our schools are learning communities where boys and girls learn together and parental involvement is encouraged.
Ethos & Mission
Educate Together is the representative organisation for primary & secondary multi-denominational schools in Ireland. It is an independent NGO that runs and supports schools that guarantee equality of access and esteem to children "irrespective of their social, cultural or religious background". Educate Together schools are learner centred in their approach to education and are run as participatory democracies, with respectful partnership between parents, pupils and teachers. The Educate Together national office is working towards an Ireland in which all people have access to an excellent education that is inclusive of all, irrespective of belief system, ethnicity, class, culture, gender, language, sexuality, family background and ability.
Educate Together schools teach the Learn Together Ethical Education Curriculum, rather than the religious instruction programmes taught in denominational schools. This curriculum has four strands:
Moral and Spiritual: children learn about feelings and values, the development of conscience, choices and consequences, stillness and meditation.
Equality and Justice: children learn about wants and needs, rights and responsibilities; the promotion of equality and the nature of democracy locally (student councils are encouraged), nationally and globally.
Belief Systems: children learn about the rites and ceremonies, celebrations, key figure and beliefs and values of the six main world religions: Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Sikhism. Schools also address Atheism, Agnosticism and Humanism.
Ethics and the Environment: children learn about appreciation and stewardship of the natural world. Educate Together schools have an ethos of respect, diversity & inclusion.
As of September 2013, there are now 68 Educate Together primary schools in Ireland. The growth in the Educate Together school network continues to be driven by parental demand. In addition to our established schools we have start-up groups in communities hoping to have Educate Together schools opened in their area.
In addition to opening and operating primary schools, Educate Together has campaigned successfully for a new model of second-level education. The first Educate Together second-level schools will open in 2014 in Blanchardstown, Lucan and Drogheda.
Educate Together's approach at second-level moves away from 'teaching to the test' and towards an emphasis on the learner. Students will develop skills in creative and critical thinking, communication, teamwork, research and leadership. Teachers in an Educate Together second-level school will use the best teaching and learning methods to make students’ learning active, relevant, challenging and enjoyable.
Join in our school assembly to see our Caretaker Brendan's dog Zeus and see how the birds and bird feeder are doing. You can send in your nature notes and pictures of your garden too.
At our school assembly Michelle will show you the alphabet in sign language. Click on file below to practise so you can join in at our school assembly.
School Assembly Friday 1st May 2020 Are you ready to join in?
Firhouse ETNS is reopening on September 1st 2020. The arrangements below outline the new procedures for pupils' arrival at and dismissal from our school. Please note that these arrangements may change, if required.
Arrivals: Junior Infant Classes: Children in Junior Infants will enter the school at 08:30 from 7th September 2020. Children will enter through the door of the GP Hall of the school, keeping their distance from the children in front of them and proceed to their classrooms along the one way system within the building. (On Monday 7th September if one parent/guardian wishes to bring their Junior Infant child to the classroom door they may do so between 9am and 9.15am for this one day only. The areas used will then be thoroughly cleaned at 9.15am).
On 3rd and 4th September Junior Infants will be brought to door of their classroom by one parent or guardian for 9.30am with the required social distancing.
Senior Infant Classes:Children in Senior Infants will enter the school at 08:30 from 1st September 2020. Children will enter through the back door of school keeping their distance from the children in front of them and proceed to their classrooms along the one way system outside and within the building. One parent/ guardian may accompany a child to the back door but this is not necessary as school staff will be in the grounds to ensure the children enter the building safely. Parents/guardians who choose to walk with their child to the back door must then exit via the one-way system.
Children in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class (as well as any siblings of these children) should enter the school at 08:20. Children in 1st and 2nd Class (as well as any siblings of these children) should enter the school at 08:25.
Children in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class will enter through the front door of school, keeping their distance from the children in front of them and proceed up the main stairs to their classrooms along the one way system within the building. Parents/Guardians are requested to refrain from approaching school doors. Please let your child / children walk to the school doors without you as you can watch them from a distance and our staff will be out in the grounds to ensure the children enter the building safely.
Dismissals: Junior Infant Classes: 3rd and 4th September at 11.30 7th to 11th September at 12.15 14th September onwards at 13.05
Clíona’s Junior Infant Class: One parent/guardian can collect their child/children in Clíona’s Junior Infant Class from the main door to reception at the front of school Bláithín’s Junior Infant Class: One parent/guardian can collect their child/children in Bláithín’s Junior Infant Class from the door to G.P. Hall yard at the front of school.
Senior Infant Classes: Using the one-way system, one parent/guardian can collect their child/children from the yard at rear of school at 13.05.
Pupils in 1st - 6th Class: Pupils will leave the building at staggered times and through different doors to prevent a mixing of classes and to promote physical distancing. There will be three distinct departure times with three doors used at each time. Please see the table below to find the relevant time and door for each class group:
The Children have been busy decorating the school corridors with their wonderful artwork!
Admissions for 2021-22
Details of our new Admissions Policy and Admissions Notice for the 2021-22 school year is now available to read on our Admissions Page:
Further advice and support is available on our Home Learning/Covid19 tab of this website.
We wish you all safe and happy holidays as our school closes on 22nd December for our Winter Holidays (staggered finishing times have been emailed to each class) and we look forward to seeing everyone again on January 6th 2021.
A beautiful picture of the Sun rising behind our school this morning - Submitted by Simon in 5th Class
Lá Glas photos 16th March 2021 - Photos taken by the student council.
We welcome back our 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class Pupils on Monday 15th March 2021.