We are working towards our very first green school flag based on the theme of litter and waste. Our work began last year where we started weighing our rubbish and we are continuing to do so this year where we are creating a three bin system in each classroom for recycling, compost and general waste. Our Action Plan consists of nine different parts: 1. Creating a green school committee that was established last year with a combination of parents, students and staff. 2. Organising a three bin system in the classroom which is now up and running 3. Weighing bins in each classroom which is completed by members of our green school committee 4. Reducing general waste by 50% which we hope will be achieved by using the recycling bin to recycle our paper and plastic and by placing our food waste into the compost bin 5. Creating a noticeboard in our school to inform children and staff of the work completed by green schools 6. Designing posters informing children of what items are placed into each bin and these were completed this month by the children of 2nd class and placed on our noticeboard 7. Encourage children to take home any food waste from their lunches 8. Organising an action day to collect litter from around the school and community center which has now been organised for October 26th and children are encouraged to wear green on the day to show their support for green schools. 9. Creating our green school code which has now been decided on as 'Don't be a quitter and pick up your litter!' There are seven steps to earning every green school flag. Please see the video below by An Taisce on how these seven steps are completed using the green school theme of water. We look forward to our action day in a couple of weeks and hope to see a great effort made by all to clear the litter from around the school grounds, making our school a greener place and remember 'Don't be a quitter and pick up your litter!' |
Green Schools Noticeboard |
Attention Parents,
Please take the time to complete our energy survey. This will help the Green School Committee to have an idea about energy usage in the home as well as the school. Each entry will greatly help our work towards working to get our second flag. Please enter your contact details on both parts of the survey to allow for data to be collected. Kind Regards, Green School Committee |