Welcome to Bláithín's Junior Infant Class 2020 - 2021
Hi Everyone, Below is a padlet I've complied of lots of different websites, games and resources that are aimed towards Junior Infants. Each subject is divided into its own column and you need to scroll down to access more of the content. I hope you find it useful. Enjoy!
Our first week back in school!
Everyone is so happy to be back with their friends and playign together in school. This month we are learning all about gardening, what happens in a garden centre and we have been busy planting lots of different vegetables! We can't wait until it is Summer time and we can make a delicious lunch!
We are continuing our learning from home and we are keeping very busy! We are learning all about new sounds, instructional writing and 3-D shapes this month! Check below to see how wonderful our work is!
Unfortunately, our school is closed again, but it is to keep everyone safe. We have been engaging in online learning and working super hard from home!! Many of the children have sent in work. Take a look to see what they have been learning from home.
The theme for this month in our play was the post office. We learned all about the journey of a letter and how to send something in the post. We built lots of post boxes and post offices and post vans out of lego and polydrons. We even wrote our own letters/postcards and designed our own stamps!
Our second last day of school was spent going on a trip to our local post office in Firhouse. We wrote thank you cards to our parents in the previous week and sent the cards to ourselves. It was a lot of fun! Our first trip outside the school was a success!
We are improving day by day with our phonics. On starting our new sound this week, the children were able to think of so many words that contained the 'm' sound! We are very proud of you!!
December is the month of kindness. We took to the corridors and placed notes of kindness around the downstairs of the school, to spread kindness and joy amongst all the children in the school.
We are learning about 2-D shapes: circle, square, triangle and rectangle. We explored all the different 2-D shapes we could find in the classroom and we made the shapes using matchsticks and used other shapes to make pictures. Take a look!
The theme for this month is the restaurant. We had a lot of fun learning through play about how to work in a restaurant. We learned lots of new words and we learned all about customer service, waiting on tables and paying for meals. We practised ordering off a menu and we practised cooking and cleaning and billing customers for their meals. Have a look to see what we got up to.
Here are some pictures of how we are having fun making our fingers super strong!
As part of our school's aim to earn an Active Flag, we are using our active breaks to extend our learning. We worked in teams to make the phonics letters, we have learned so far, using our bodies.
We started learning about number this month. We started learning about the number one and making sets of one. See below for our wonderful work.
It was Science week this week and we made the most of it! We experimented with different materials and made newspaper hats and we experimented with colour dispertion! Have a look below to see what we got up to.
It was Self-Expression Day in our school last Friday, everyone wore in wonderful outfits and costumes. It was a fun-filled day!
Seeing as we are in the time of harvesting, we decided to decorate some pumpkins and have a lot of fun doing it!
We are celebrating MATHS WEEK!! We have learned about pattern and we made a pattern using ourselves when we got ready to go outside to yard! We also learned about sequencing using pictures and using the beebots. We LOVED playing with the beetbots this week! We love maths week
We have still been working hard to make our fingers super strong! Look at all the fun we had everyday this month during 'Fun Finger Time'!
Recently we went for a nature walk around our school. We looked at the different types of trees and all the different colours of the leaves. We had lots of fun making bark markings with crayons. We also collected as many leaves off the ground as we could and made a big pile so we could jump in it!
We celebrated Space Week this week! We had so much fun learning all about space!
Some of our lovely ladies making beautiful work with their playdough earlier in the week.
Our theme this month is the hospital. Each morning we begin with Aistear and explore the world of doctors, nurses, radiologists, porters and patients through play. It is definetly the children's favourite part of their day! Have a look at how we have been learning this past month.
We arrived back to school last Monday to a BIG surprise... a SCARECROW! We were so excited to see him arrive! We decided to call him Brendan, after our caretaker. Each day we look out our classroom windows to see if he has moved or changed!
Our school assemblies look a little different this year. We are now using Zoom as a platform for our assemblies. Yes it's different but it was really exciting to see all the other classes in the school.
We have been working super hard to improve our han coordination and strengthen our finger muscles. We love doing 'Finger Fun Time' every day, and we can really see a big improvement already! This work will help us become good writers!
For the month of September, we have been focusing on the theme of Homes. We have been having lots of fun using the story The Three Little Pigs in both Gaeilge and English! We focused on our retelling skills. Here are some of use using our retelling skills. We loved playing teacher for the class!
This are pictures from the first time we played on the school's new climbing frame. We had so much FUN!
We have been learning about colours in Maths. Over the weeks we made sets based on colours. We had lots of fun making our colour sets!
We have begun informal reading already this week. It is great that the children can be exposed to texts and grow their love of reading from the begining of their school experience. Everyone in the class has loved having time to read the books we have in the classroom.
We have just finished our first week in Junior Infants and we had lots of fun! We went on a sound walk, worked on our fine motor skills, learned a song for washing our hands and lots lots more! Look at what we got up to below.
Our class of Junior Infants had their first day of school and we are so proud of them! We had a really fun day and we can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings!