Over the past few weeks in 5th class we have been learning how to sew and have made our very own key-ring monsters!!
World Book Day in 5th Class
Active Week!
5th Class had lots of fun keeping active during active week!
5th Class Weather Station
This week we made our very own weather station and set it up in the school garden. We then went out to record the weather everyday for a week!
Playdoh Making
After lots of hard work on the topic of weight we got to put everything we learned into practice when making playdoh!
5th Class Gymnasts
Our Class Rainbow for LGBTQ+ Awareness Week
This month we made water lilies using origami inspired by Monets 'Water Lily' painting! We also created our own scratch art!
Scientists at work!
This month in 5th class we had to solve the case of a missing trophy! We had to learn how to take and read finger prints, use chromatography to analyse the note that was left at the scene of the crime and finally analyse the mystery powder that was left at the scene! Once we had done all of this, we were able to solve the mystery!
This month we did lots of hard work on our multiplication and also got to do lots of fun games using the ISAK9s.
September and October
Time for Art!
Games in PE!
Lego has arrived in 5th Class!
Walk to Dodder Valley Park
In drama this week we had an Alien Invasion! Can you figure out what's happening in each of these freeze frames?