Claire's First Class 2018 - 2019
We celebrated World Book Day on 2nd May! Some of us dressed up as our favourite book characters and our classmates interviewed us! We all discussed our favourite books and visited the school library.
We love creating art in First Class! We learned about the Arctic and Antarctic and we built igloos.
We are very lucky to be taking part in the Roots of Empathy programme! Geraldine works with us every week to help us to understand more about what babies need as they grow. We have been learning about why they cry, and when they get their teeth. A baby visits us every three weeks and we observe how she has changed since the last visit.
We were delighted when our new school library opened! We are enjoying borrowing and reading books in our library each week.
We celebrated Science Week in November. We carried out different experiments – using balloons to create static electricity and building boats. Saran’s dad, who works as a scientist in UCD, came to visit us and showed us how to test the pH level of different liquids!
On Heritage Day in October, we learned about different types of bridges. We built beam bridges and arch bridges. We learned how the Romans invented aqueducts to carry water and we built our own pipes to carry marbles.
We celebrated National Tree Day on 4th October. We learned about different parts of the tree and what they do. We examined some of the trees outside the school, measured how many of us fit around the tree trunks, and took rubbings of tree bark and tree leaves.
We learned about how to treat dogs with respect and care when Lucy came to visit us from Dogs Trust in October.
We were very busy learning about patterns, shapes, sorting, addition and subtraction during our Ready, Set, Go, Maths stations with Rachael and Sarah in September and October.